Tuesday, May 1, 2018

State of the ARC [1]

This is a new meme started over at Avalinah’s Books for tracking your ARC progress. I actually really love this idea and think it will help me better manage my current reads! 

At the end of April 2018:

The Fine Art of Pretending by Rachel Harris
Leaving Everest by Megan Westfield
Smoke & Mirrors by Julie Rowe

No Filter by Orlagh Collins
Dark Justice: Hunt by Jenna Ryan
Caught Up by Rya Stone

Before I Let You Go by Kelly Rimmer *Currently Reading (4/30/18)
School for Psychics by K.C. Archer
Circe by Madeline Miller

Nine books isn't too bad, right? I'm happy with it! It shouldn't take me too long to knock these out, but I'm bummed I wasn't able to get to them before their release date (with the exception of The Fine Art of Pretending which was given to me after the release date).

There are a lot of muscles on those covers... 

I loved The Song of Achilles, which is why I'm eager to start Circe. It's release date snuck up on me while I was participating in a few blog tours. I'll get to it soon! 

What about you? Have you read any of these books? Would you suggest one over all the others?


  1. Frankly Caught Up looks delicious Lindsi! hahahahaha. And I'm interested in reading your review of Before I Let You Go ... that is an intriguing cover. I have to admit I love Evelina's meme too! I do it inside my TBR post now but its very inspiring and the meme helps me read ARCs past their due dates...

    1. I agree 100000%! Lol! I'm really loving this feature, because I know I stop thinking about certain books once they've exceeded their release date, and I dislike that about myself. I want to make sure I'm still making time for those books and giving them the attention they deserve. This is a great way to do that!

      Before I Let You Go has been incredible so far. It's really making me think about some pretty heavy stuff.

  2. Arrghhh come on! I just deleted my comment, sigh, ok not meant to be

    The filter one looks good

    1. The synopsis was really interesting!

      Oh no! I'm sorry your comment was deleted. I always get so frustrated when that happens to me.

  3. I haven't read any of these but I have the Harris book as well and I hope it's good, I hope they all are and good luck with your reading!

    1. Thank you! I hope I'm able to get to these soon! :)

  4. I think you're doing pretty good. I've heard wonderful things about Circe but I just don't know if I would enjoy it. Good luck getting to these. Looks like you have quite a variety.

    1. I love variety! It helps when you're a mood reader, lol. I really enjoyed The Song of Achilles, and I'm assuming Circe will be just as marvelous. Why don't you think you'd enjoy it? Not your type of book?

  5. Replies
    1. It's a little higher than that now, but shh. Haha! Hopefully all of these will be read by the end of May.

  6. 9 is a great number! I’m impressed! I haven’t read any of these but I’ve heard of most of them.

    1. I've acquired a few more since this post, but I really want to have these older arcs read by the end of May!

  7. I haven't read any of those but I do like the covers.

    1. Me too! I really love the covers for Before I Let You Go and Circe.

  8. Didn't The Art of Pretending come out a few years ago?? I think I read it - I always love her books. Super cute!

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. I believe so! I'm not really sure why it was on NetGalley, but I was approved when I requested it. :)

      I might read it next since what I'm reading now is on the darker side.

  9. Circe is great, I hope you love it! And nine ARCs is excellent progress :) Good luck with all your books this month!

    1. I’m so happy to hear that! I’m really excited to read it! Thank you!

  10. 9 is great! And I love the look of Circe, cause let's face it- mythology! And The Schoo for Psychics I'm kind of interested in. Also No Filter looks cool, just judging from the cover.

    1. LOVE mythology! I was really bummed when I missed the release date for it, but I think I had to finish something for a blog tour around the same time. 🀷🏻‍♀️

    2. The cover for No Filter is what initially drew me in!

  11. I love ab-tastic covers :) I read Smoke and Mirrors and it was pretty good-very bio-terrorist bend so if you like that kind of danger and action, its a good read!

    1. Hmm, interesting. I wasn’t aware of the bio-terrorist aspect, but it’ll be something new! I don’t think I’ve ever read something like that. Ab-tastic covers are beautiful things, lol.

  12. I really loved No Filter. I was a black sheep on that one, but sorry not sorry, I loved it. I think my daughter got The Fine Art of Pretending at BEA many moons ago. I know it's in my physical book pile, which I am really slow to pull from, but it totally looks like the kind of book I would like.

    1. Good to know! I tend to like books others didn’t, or sometimes dislike a book everyone loved. It’s amazing how many ways one book can be perceived. πŸ’•

      BEA is so fun! I haven’t been in years! I think I went in 2011 and 2012. I was able to meet so many bloggers IRL! I totally freaked out over meeting certain authors, too. I’ve heard wonderful things about The Fine Art of Pretending. I can’t wait to read it!

  13. Nine books is a good number. You've got some cool titles to review. Good luck!

    1. Thanks! I’m excited about all of them! I just never know what to read first, or what I’ll be in the mood for.

  14. 9 isn't too bad! :) I would love to see your thoughts on Circe, I saw it at my library but didn't grab it yet

  15. Only having 9 to read is amazing, Lindsi! You should be able to catch up pretty quickly. I haven't read any of these but I hope you enjoy them :)

    1. Thank you! There were only 9 that didn't get reviewed by the end of April, there are a few others that have a May-July release date. These are just the ones I didn't get to in time!

  16. Nine books isn't bad at all :) The only one I've read from your list is School for Psychics. I had a couple of issues with it early on but ended up really enjoying it overall.

    1. Good to know! If things start off rocky, it depends on how I feel about the story as a whole. For example, I'll continue reading a book if I love the mystery and hate the characters. I just need to love something about it. :)

  17. I think I have an ebook of Song of Achilles but I'm afraid to read it because I hear it destroys your soul.

    Happy reading!

    1. It obliterates your soul. You'll be soulless and crying and wishing you'd stopped reading while everyone was in a cave with Chiron. (I adore Chiron in almost every retelling!)

  18. I've seen The Fine Art of Pretending around and it looks like something I'd like. Good luck with your ARCs! Ooohhh I see you're reading The Female of the Species! I love that book!

    1. I am LOVING The Female of the Species! It's dark... but it's not. I enjoy all three perspectives and cannot wait to see how everything plays out.

      I'm torn between reading The Fine Art of Pretending and Circe as my next backlist book!

  19. Oh wow, 9 ARCs! I'm currently at 2... I'd gotten up to about 7 recently and it was freaking me out! Mostly because I was paranoid of falling into past habits!

    The only one I've heard of the The Fine Art of Pretending. Think I'll check that one out at some point. :)

    1. Eeep! TWO?! Go you!! I'm getting there... slowly... slowly...

  20. I always tell myself to stop requesting/accepting them, but I'm like a raccoon that spots something shiny. Thank you! Good luck to you as well!

  21. I still need to read The Song of Achilles, but I am curious about Circe. I hope it's a good one. I don't have TOO many ARCs to read/review but I'm getting close to the release dates for a couple. Sigh. It happens.


    1. Circe isn't depended on The Song of Achilles if you wanted to just start with it! (I think!) It's good that you don't have too many at the moment. :)

  22. Ahhh you got Circe! I loved The Song of Achilles so much and this one sounds amazing, enjoy!

    1. Yay! I'm so excited about it! The Song of Achilles was beautiful and heartbreaking.

  23. So these are the ARCs you got during April? I can't say anything about your nine book since I'm pretty sure I got more than that lol. I really need to slow up on ARCs, but so many ones I want are being offered lately! I'll be interesting to see what you think of School for Psychics since I read that one!

    1. Since this was my first State of the ARC, they are all the review books I received and haven't reviewed since the beginning of the year. However, they are also only the books that had a publish date before April. I've received other ARCs for later this year, but I still have time to read them before their date! I'm going to start using this feature to highlight the ARCs I didn't read on time.

      What did you think of School for Psychics? I loved the premise!

  24. I'm so sorry it took me so long to visit this! I am sooooo behind on comment replies :) thank you for joining! Really excited to see you on board. I hope the meme will help you tackle your list of ARCs :)

    1. No worries! Vacations are important, too! I'm happy I joined and look forward to following the progress I make (or don't make) every month. :)

  25. i cant wait to start Circe either tbh, but mine is just a FC so its probably not a high priority for me rightnow ;a;

    1. Have you read Song of Achilles? If Circe is anything like that, I know I'm going to love it!


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― Marissa Meyer, Heartless