Monday, October 23, 2017

Hulk Vol 4 (#1-11) by Mariko Tamaki

Hulk Vol 4 (#1-11) by Mariko Tamaki, Nico Leon (Illustrator), Jeff Dekal (Illustrator)
Synopsis (via Goodreads): JENNIFER WALTERS has survived the Civil War…barely…and having risen from the rubble, she re-enters the world a different kind of hero. Fueled by a quiet rage, she is determined to move forward, to go on with her life, but the pain of the past and all she's lost is always there – an undercurrent, a pulse, waiting to quicken and trigger Jen's transformation into the one thing she doesn't have control over…


I really, really wanted to like this. It only took a few issues for my initial misgivings to turn into complete loathing.

It started off okay-ish. We get a little background on Jennifer Walters and her life after *highlight to view spoiler» the death of Bruce Banner/Hulk (her cousin). I didn't expect everything to be explained in the first issue, but it still didn't make sense after the 11th. The stories are inconsistent and bounce around all over the place. They change artists nearly every issue, too. It was aggravating. I get that there are different twists and plots and whatever else, but I still want a big, overall story to follow. She also wasn't the same character from one issue to the next. Her entire personality would change. 😠

I hate that I hated this. The first 3-4 comics are decent. They follow the same story, you watch Jennifer Walters trying to readjust to life, and then -- nothing. There is a lot of story-building and craziness, but when Hulk finally figures out what is going on, a battle ensues and then -- nothing. It made absolutely no sense!! At first I thought it would be continued in the next issue, but it wasn't. It started off with something completely different, and it didn't even address what had happened previously. There was no conclusion, just more blah. The same thing happened with her second baddie.

The only good thing about this comic was her assistant, Bradley.


  1. Bummer! I hate when comics are a total let down... I just had that experience with The Big Lie, the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew crossover comic.

    1. I haven't heard of that! I've been reading solely Marvel for awhile now. My only exception is IDW's TMNT.

      I just really wanted this to be a great comic, so I was really bummed when it fell flat.

  2. So how did you really feel? lol

    As you know, I'm new to this whole comic book thing but there are quite a few Marvel comics Amazon Prime so maybe I'll find one we can discuss soon!

    For What It's Worth

    1. Was it too much? Lol! It's my fault for having high expectations.😒

      I think you'd like Gwenpool! Really! Also, I've been enjoying the new Hawkeye (Kate Bishop). Oh! Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur! I've read one out of order, but I think it's going to be great.

  3. I'm okay with the female comic crossovers, but I think I might be skipping this one. I also didn't care for Spider-Gwen very much eve though others loved it!

    1. Hmm. I haven't tried Spider-Gwen yet, but I did get her legacy issue last week. I hate to hear you didn't like it. I've enjoyed the new female leads as well. Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) has been pretty good so far (I'm about 5 issues into it!). I want to try the Invincible Iron Man (I think?) with Williams instead of Stark. I feel like there was another one...


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“Stuff and nonsense. Nonsense and stuff and much of a muchness and nonsense all over again. We are all mad here, don't you know?”
― Marissa Meyer, Heartless